X.2: How are Capitalism and Socialism Different?

A CEO in a television interview once said that government must prevent corporations from becoming too big because capitalism is so efficient. He said that government must control corporation size because otherwise, we’ll all eventually be working for the same man. Ironically, he implied that unregulated capitalism and socialism end up with the same results … Read more

VI.4: The Virginia Resolution

James Madison had more influence than any other person in creating the form of the U.S. Constitution. Madison wrote the Virginia Resolution a decade after the Constitution. But both came from his understanding of tyranny. That is, to prevent it, a government must divide power between separate groups of people. If the nation is to … Read more

II.1: Conservatives and Liberals

Liberals and conservatives are tearing our society apart. Have you been involved in or agreed with either the Tea Party Movement or the Occupy Movement? Have you supported either Bernie Sanders or Donald Trump? These obviously describe opposite views, yet these opposites describe people fed up with business as usual in America’s government. They describe … Read more

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