X.4: Can Regulation Actually Work?

Capitalism has enlarged and enriched the middle class. But there’s a problem – capitalists seek to monopolize a market. That CEO in the television interview I mentioned in my earlier post laid it out honestly and correctly. Without competition, eventually the most effective capitalist will own the entire planet. In other words, capitalism is so … Read more

X.2: How are Capitalism and Socialism Different?

A CEO in a television interview once said that government must prevent corporations from becoming too big because capitalism is so efficient. He said that government must control corporation size because otherwise, we’ll all eventually be working for the same man. Ironically, he implied that unregulated capitalism and socialism end up with the same results … Read more

I.2: How Can We Separate Money and Politics?

We tend to waste time, money, and energy attacking the symptoms of problems and ignore their root causes. What is the root cause of most of America’s problems? I believe it is government corruption. Moreover, I think that happens because we don’t know how to separate money and politics. The love of money is the … Read more

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